Interdisciplinary collaboration to understand and recreate the splendour of the Marble Closet at the Little Castle Bolsover

Hughes H (ed.) Layers of Understanding – Setting Standards for Architectural Paint Research,
Proceedings of a one day seminar held on 28th April 2000 organised by English Heritage. Editor Helen Hughes, published by Donhead Publishing Ltd (2002 English Heritage) ISBN 1873394586
Architectural paint research is now recognised as a useful and powerful technique in the analysis and recording of historic buildings… The text is of even greater value because there is little published information on the principles of paint research in buildings. I can thoroughly recommend this excellent book. (SPAB News)
http://www.donhead.com/layers of understanding

Hughes H (ed.) John Fowler –
The Invention of the Country-House Style
Edited by Helen Hughes (Donhead 2005)
The conference proceedings of a one day conference held 4th July 2001 at Scientific Societies Lecture Theatre, New Burlington Place, London.
‘these sparkling papers come as an agreeable surprise and must be amongst the most amusing Post-conference papers ever published’
Ian Gow, ICON News, May 06, p.39

‘Whose blue? The true story behind the sky-blue roof of St Pancras International Station’
Published in Icon News, March 2008, 18-21 Also presented as a poster presentation at ICOM-CC Interim Meeting Rome 23-26 March 2010

‘The potential of architectural paint research in building analysis and conservation’
Architectural Paint Research in Building Conservation. Bregnhoi L., Hughes H., Lindbom J., Olstad T. & Verweij (Eds.), Archtype 2006, ISBN 1-904982-04-2, pp 3 – 9

‘The Influence of Cesare Brandi on Conservation in the UK’
A paper delivered at a seminar held at the Courtauld Institute, 10th July 2007, one of a series of eight seminars held in different European Countries to mark the centenary of Brandi’s birth. Published in The Centenary of the birth of Cesare Brandi: Cesare Brandi’s thought from theory to practise. (Il Prato editore, 2008, pp. 201-204).

‘Your monument….temple, my castle, my home..’: A Theory for Historic Interiors Research & Conservation’
Delivered at the ICOM-CC 15th Triennial Meeting in New Delhi – Theme: Diversity in Heritage Conservation: Tradition, Innovation and Participation, 22 – 26 September 2008 in New Delhi, India. 15th Triennial Conference Preprints, Vol. II, 1017-1024

‘…with the edge of Goose-Quill feather…’ – A discussion of the problems and potentialities of recreating historic paint systems’
Delivered at Architectural Paint Research in Building Conservation – 3rd International Conference held on January 17-19, 2008, Columbia University in the City of New York. (Archetype 2009)

Interdisciplinary collaboration to understand and recreate the splendour of the Marble Closet at the Little Castle Bolsover
Presented at ICOM-CC Interim Meeting Rome 23-26th 2010 (available on ICOM-CC web-site)