Brief & Scope of Research
Architectural paint research was required in three areas of the property to clarify the dating of specific elements:
First Floor – Reception Room Panelling
The ‘odd’ fireplace and the panelling in the first floor living room require clarification. It is suggested that this smaller fireplace is moved to an upstairs room and replaced with a fireplace which matches the existing one at the opposite end of the room.
Architectural paint research is required in three areas of the property to clarify the dating and significance of specific elements. The core of No.20 Kew Green dates from the early 18th century. The building had undergone at least three major alterations. The development of the building is outlined in the Pre-Application Heritage Assessment (April 2015).
First Floor – Long Room Conclusion
- The space was orignally configured as two rooms.
- On-site inspection of the rooms on the First Floor and examination of mounted paint samples in cross-sections suggests that the panelling in this room has been relocated several times.
- The room was originally decorated in light cream/light blue coloured oil paint before being decorated in a mid-blue (tinted with Prussian blue).
- It is probable that the small chimneypiece in the south wall was installed before the dividing wall was removed.
- The removal of the original dividing wall would have provided a stock pile of panelling which was most likely reused in other areas of the house.
- It is not possible to suggest a date for the removal of the central wall because of the degree of paint stripping and the ad hoc nature of the re-positioning of the panelling which is probably the result of several alteration campaigns carried out within the room.
- There are signs of severe wood decay due to insect infestations. The wooden cornice has been replaced at some date.
Ground Floor Kitchen – Cornice Conclusions
- The cornice was probably inserted in the mid-19th century as part of the original fitting out of the room.
- It was originally decorated in a blued distemper
- Sections of the cornice have been already been removed and damaged during subsequent alterations to the room.
It should be possible to make further alterations to the room (such as the insertion of a new staircase on the south wall) and relocate sections of the cornice to other areas of the room.